Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Small Things

I commented about the 'warm' weather today. When did 50's become warm?

I have a fresh bouquet of tulips sitting on my fireplace mantle.

The other night a full moon hung low and heavy, emanating a dull yellow over the River Foyle. It was a strange comfort to me at the time.

I was reminded this week of how much I appreciate my family, even from far away.

It's the small things sometimes...

1 comment:

Red Pen Reflections from Brianna Crowley said...

Small becomes big when big seems to be the lense our emotions are stuck on....

I'm glad you and your roommates are still enjoying the tulips.

The moon makes me audibly gasp and exclaim like a small child when it hangs big and low in the sky. We must be related :)