Monday, August 25, 2008

Change of Flight

I changed my flight yesterday. The thought occurred to me that I simply could, and so I did. Then I updated my own little pre-departure folder that I have created for myself. As a sidenote: My coworker from IEP (the study abroad office that I worked at full time all last year) asked if I had created a pre-departure packet for myself as a joke because that is what we did for all of our study abroad students. I had to admit that I had, in fact, done so. She laughs good-naturedly. At me. I laugh too. At me.

This morning I checked my confirmation email to read what I thought said I was charged another $893 dollars. I had a brief moment of panic and called Continental in what people call a New York minute. Anyone who knows my history of flight mistakes will not judge me for my hasty conclusions. I may travel a lot but I sure do seem to make some pretty serious, hilarious and expensive errors in regards to flights. I explained my quandary to the nice customer service lady.

"Um...I am pretty sure that I just changed my flight and did not purchase a whole new one. This confirmation says that my American Express was charged another $893 dollars!"

"Ok, ma'am. Let me just check that for you. Actually, it says here we charged you $3,000 dollars."

Deafening silence. There goes my year in Ireland. The one I've been planning for nearly 2 years.

I'm just kidding! This confirmation is just stating what the fare is worth and at the bottom it states the actual fee."

Relief in colossal proportions.

I could have killed her for putting me through those 2 seconds, but I laughed. She laughs. At me. We both laugh. I am ridiculous.

I am also leaving on the night of September 9th now. Less than 2 weeks!

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